Saturday, December 18, 2010


So tonight started out like every single night in our house. Jay asking have you thought of anything you'd like for dinner? Me saying, no. Nothing sounds good. I'm out of ideas. Then we throw a simple and very nutritious dinner together while complaining that (while it's tasty) we need to find some new dinner ideas.

As we sat in front of the tv, chowing down on a very healthy version of stirfry and drinking crisp clean water we tuned into a special on 20/20. Did you catch it? It was called Be the Change: Save a Life. Well, we both cried. It's not that we're naive and don't know what is going on in the world. It's just that we get wrapped up in our own world and our own problems (that seem pretty trivial in comparison). Sometimes we just don't know where to start. There are so many people that need help. We figure what's the point? I can't afford much and where would my measely 20 bucks help make a difference?

The stories that hit me the most have to do with clean water. Seeing what other people are forced to drink is just...heartbreaking. There's no reason for it. It's bubbling up from this earth for crying out loud. Watching the show I learned there are 1500 wells across Africa that are OUT OF SERVICE because of maintenance issues. We have donated money to a charity that digs wells before but I've never once given a thought about the maintaining of those wells. They talked about a charity called Charity: Water. Basically they ask you to give up a birthday. Take that birthday (Christmas, wedding, etc) money and donate it. 20 bucks will give one person clean water for 20 years. 20 YEARS people! That's amazing. And so easy.

For more information or to donate to Charity:Water click here.  For information about the other stories from tonight's show and different causes to help support click here

One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.   Proverbs 11:24-25

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Turquoise Makes Me Happy =)

I LOVE the color turquoise. (And robin's egg blue, Tiffany blue, watery-green) They just make me smile. Since I currently reside in a beige dungeon I have to get my fix looking at beautiful pictures. Here are a few of my favorites...

image via Country Living

If I had a closet that wasn't stuffed to the brim with totes and a million other things I would definitely try recreating this workspace. 

image via Country Living

If I were a single girl this bedroom would be mine. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. My manly man would not go for that headboard though. But when I have a little girl someday this will be her room so I can lay in there and pretend it's mine. :)

Creamy cabinets? Check. Marble counter? Check. Amazing bar stools. Check. Check. What's not to love about this kitchen?

image via Country Living

My eyes didn't know where to look first when they spotted this beauty. That fridge. Oh my. I think I would sit in the kitchen for hours just staring at it! The color on the walls and that island are amazing. I normally don't like chandeliers but this one keeps whispering, "Look at me...look at me. I'm spectacular."

Those dining chairs will be mine someday. Mark. My. Words. I can't imagine walking past them and being in a bad mood. You just have to smile.