Saturday, November 13, 2010

Training for a 1/2! Whoot!

I'm so excited! My dear friend Heather called last week and said she was going to be running the Disney Princess 1/2 marathon in February and that I was going to be running it too! =)  I've been wanting to train for a real race for quite awhile but just haven't been healthy enough to put in the time and effort. I'm nervous and excited. I hope I can finish. I'd like to finish with a good time but I'll be pretty happy if I can just cross the finish line.

I think I'm more excited about the fact that while she's here we are going to see the new Harry Potter park at Universal!!!! Yeah....I'm a dork. I'm a Harry Potter fan. I can't hide it. You can take one look at me and know I'm a nerd. =)

I really need to figure out a training schedule that works for me. I also get an upset stomach when I run so I need to figure that out too. 

Oh! And I figured out something pretty awesome today. I've been running this same loop around our apartment complex that I thought was 1 mile. In my mid distance runs (say 4-6 miles or so) I've been REALLY discouraged with my times and pace. I couldn't figure out for the life of me why my times were just so dang slow. I went to map my run tonight and found out my 1 mile loop is actually 1.2 miles. Not a big difference at first.  BUT when you realize that a (previously thought) 5 mile run is actually 6 miles...whoo hoo!!!! My times aren't so shabby now. =)

I kept losing track of how many miles I was counting in my head today. I decided I either did a really bad 3 or a really great 4. We'll say it was a great 4 miles. Haha. I really want NEED one of these babies. Right now Walmart has them for $138. I'm trying to explain to Jay how essential it is that I have one for training. Wish me luck! =)

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